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Jumma Mubarak- an important day for Muslims


Friday is an important day for Muslims. Almost all of us will say that we know about the special Friday prayers that are offered at noon and the importance of these prayers. We shall, Insha’Allah try to see how much we know about Friday Prayers. In order to have distinct understanding of the subject, tried to make sub-topics and discuss about these sub-topics in brief one after another,which in turn sum up to give detailed explanation of the subject. May Allah make it simple for us to understand the topic.


The importance of Friday can be understood by the fact that there is a whole chapter dedicated to Friday (Surah Al-Juma’a, Chapter No. 62) in Holy Qur’an. There is direct instruction about Friday prayers for all believers.

It is mentioned in the QuranMajid:


ayat-about-jummah"O ye who believe! When the call for prayer is proclaimed on Friday (the day of the assembly, yaum al-jummah), rush to the remembrance of Allah earnestly and leave business (and traffic): That is best for you if ye but knew!
And when the prayer is finished, then you may disperse through the land and seek Allah's reward, and often embrace Allah's praises. (and without stint): that ye may prosper"

Qur'an, sura 62 (Al-Jumua), ayat 9-10.


Benefits of Jumma

Friday is a special day for Muslims. Many of us believe that every day is the same as all made by Allah. True, but it's unique Friday, it's got its own merits.Refer to following hadith:

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The greatest day on which the sun rises is Friday ; on it Adam (AS) was formed ; and on it he came down to earth ; and on it his repentance was accepted ; and on it he died ; and on it the Hour shall be formed ...."(Hadis No. 1046, Book of Salat, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol.1).

It is to be understood that the concept of Friday is not a new thing for the Ummah of Muhammad (PBUH); rather this day was declared special by Allah for the nations who existed before. Let's say it as a weekend, even if it's not the same as a modern world weekend. Nevertheless, Allah has designated this one day in a week (Friday) as a holy day (it seems to have derived from this ' holiday ') and Friday festival (i.e. the Salat of Friday) was made compulsory on the races that existed before Muhammad, PBUH. Following hadith explains this very clearly:


Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated: I heard the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) say:

“We are the last but the foremost on the Day of Resurrection, though the former nations were given the Scripture before us. And this was their day (Friday), which was made compulsory for them to celebrate (i.e. Friday prayer, etc.), but they differed about it.

So, Allah has given us guidance for it (Friday) and all the other people are behind us in this regard: the Jews ' (holy day is) the next day (i.e. Saturday) and the Christians ' (is) the day after the next day (i.e. Sunday).”(Hadith No. 876, Book of Al-Juma’a, Sahih Bukhari, Vol.2).
how beneficial it is to read. While trying to know about virtues of Friday, we got lovely information about the concept of weekend too. So, another thing to learn here is that for a Muslim the concept of weekend on Saturdays and Sundays is wrong, Friday is actually the special day of the week that a Muslim should concentrate on.

Religious sermon (i.e. the Khutba)
An essential part of Friday prayers is the religious sermon (the Khutba) which is delivered by the Imamprior to start of two raka’at of Salat. In normal Zuhr prayers, we offer four raka’at, but in Friday prayers only two raka’at are offered. Scholars are of the view that Khutba compensates for the remaining two raka’at. That is the extent of importance of Khutba.
It is recommended to proceed early for Friday prayers, reach Masjid in time, take a place and listen quietly to the Khutba. It is disliked for a person to engage in any talk while Khutba is in progress. Even if someone tells other person to be quiet, it is considered as a breach. Refer to following hadith:

Abu Hurairah (RA) narrated that Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) said: “If you say ‘Be Quiet’ while Imam is delivering Khutba, you have committed Al-Laghw.”

(Hadith No. 1112, Book of Salat, Sunan Abu Dawud, Vol. 1).

The significance of Khutba and listening to it quietly is even more highlighted by the fact that it is not allowed to offer any prayer (people might pray any Nawafil or any missed prayer like that of Fajr etc.) while the Khutba is in progress. However, there is an exception to this. Refer to following hadith:

It was narrated that Jabir bin Abdallah (RA) said: Sulaik Al Ghatfani came on a Friday when Prophet (PBUH) was preaching (i.e delivering Khutba) and he sat down. He said to him, “O Sulaik, get up and pray 2 raka’at and make them brief.” Then he said, “If one of you comes on a Friday and theImam is preaching, let him pray 2 raka’at (Tahayyat-al-Masjid) and make them brief.”

(Hadith No. 2024 (875), Book of Friday Prayer, Sahih Muslim, Vol. 2).

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