The religion of Allah Taa'la is 100% complete and was
brought to us by the best of mankind, the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and
blessings upon him. Allah Taa'la used the Holy Prophet May Allah send peace and
blessings upon him to perfect this religion of His, meaning that the Prophet
May Allah send peace and blessings upon him was the perfect example for us to
The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him
taught us what to do in every stage in life. This is one of the qualities that
makes the religion of Islam very unique and standout from other religions which
are practiced in many parts of the world.
The religion of Islam tells us what to do as soon as we open
our eyes in the morning and throughout the remainder of the day and night till
we close our eyes and go to sleep. For this and many other reasons the religion
of Islam is the most complete.
As part of our Islamic faith, we believe that all matters
are in the hands of Allah. However, for some of us our faith can get shaken
during times of trials and hardships. It is during those times though that we
should remind ourselves that a believer’s position and rank is raised in front
of Allah and that such a hardship may very well be a sign of Allah’s love for
the believer. This can help us in maintaining and even strengthening our faith.
In Surah Imran V 200 it says....
"O you who believe! Endure and be more patient.."
"And certainly, We shall test you with something of
fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to
As-Sabirun (the patient)". - (Surah Baqarah V155)
"Only those who are patient shall receive their reward
in full, without reckoning.'' -
(Surah Al Zumar V 10)
In Surah Ash Shura v43
"And verily, whosoever shows patience and forgives,
that would truly be from the things recommended by Allah.''
"Seek help in patience and As-Salat (the prayer).
Truly, Allah is with As-Sabirun (the patient).'' - Surah Baqarah V 153
And Surah Muhammad v 31
"And surely, We shall try you till We test those who
strive hard (for the Cause of Allah) and As-Sabirun (the patient)''
Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him being patient.
story takes place in the city not far away from Mecca , known as Ta'if. The
Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him went there to preach Islam
to the locals. The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him
approached the leaders of Taif and called them towards Islam.
Not only did the
leaders reject the call to Islam but they reacted in such a way that they set
young children upon the Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon him to
taunt him, stone him and chase him out of Ta'if. The Holy Prophet May Allah
send peace and blessings upon him bled till his footwear was drenched in blood.
The Angel Jibra'eel Alayhis Salaam came to the Prophet May Allah send peace and
blessings upon him and said, “If you wish, then I will give the order for two
angels to crush the residents of Ta'if between the two mountains in which it
“I am hopeful that their descendants will accept Islam.”
Abu Yahya Suhaib bin Sinan (May
Allah be pleased with him) reported that: The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"How wonderful is the case of a believer; there is good for him in
everything and this applies only to a believer. If prosperity attends him, he
expresses gratitude to Allah and that is good for him; and if adversity befalls
him, he endures it patiently and that is better for him".
Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported:
Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"The strong man is not one who is good at
wrestling, but the strong man is one who controls himself in a fit of rage.''
[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]
Patience is of three types:
(i) Patience upon obedience – To
be patient when finding it hard obeying Allah Taala's rules.
(ii) To be patient when a trouble
befalls you.
(iii) To be patient when finding
it hard to abstain from sins.
Every believer should have the
above types of patience. The Prophet May Allah send peace and blessings upon
him mentioned in a Hadith that patience is from Allah and hastiness is from the
The first type of patience is
when obeying Allah and finding it difficult to do so. For example, waking up
early for the fajr prayers. We should be patient and show gratitude when
carrying out these deeds.
The second type of patience is
when a trouble befalls you. For example, a vehicle accident or the loss of
property. We should be patient at these times.
The third type of patience is
when finding it hard to abstain from sins. For example, when a person listens
to music and then finds out it is not allowed in Islam to listen to music, this
person tries his utmost best to refrain from listening to music, even if he has
the urge to do so.
Being patient is a great virtue
and comes with a great reward.